Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Conference, and Parents coming to visit!

I had a Great Thanksgiving! With one week off work I was able to enjoy... but not relax. :) My body thought I had to work, so I believe I got about 3 hours of sleep a night. But the Lord is being my supply in my sufferings :). I'm so happy to be able to pursue after the Lord as my comfort in these times. Along with being super stressed out about my life situation in moving in Feb. and starting back up in school to study to become first a CNA then a RN, in the new year. I'm going through alot of foreign things to me right now, and am only handling them through the Lord's grace and mercy. I'm daily loving the Lord as my first love, and taking Him as my supply. I am praying that the Lord show's me what His goal and purpose is in all of this. For it is His perfect will that will be carried out and accomplished no matter what my life brings my way, But His supply that will get me through EVERYTHING!!

My parents are coming to visit for three weeks. They arrive tomorrow.... Having mixed emotions. I'm super excited to have them here, but this will be the first time both my parents will be staying as my guests, and me not being theirs. They will also be here three weeks, then I will be in California with them for three more. Talk about after not really getting to have my parents around for 2 years, I get a major overdose of time with them. Which I'm looking forward to, but also a little bit worried.... that i might just go insane ;). I think we all love our parents, but as an adult... you know what? I'm going to be gaining major amounts of Christ! That's something else to look forward to :D!

Last week was great! I was in Athens, GA... my "hometown" (haha. I call it home because it is the only place that REALLY feels like home!!). I spent Monday, Tuesday and Thursday there!! Wednesday I spent running all sorts of errands that i've been needing to get done for months. Friday was stay away from any store possible ;). No not really... My Thanksgiving with work was Friday. Saturday was spent with a best friend of mine, shopping, when we werent in one of the Thanksgiving Conf. meetings.

Monday I traveled with my friend Emily to "Tello Town" (my bestfriends house, yes we nicknamed it)... I had a lot of hair clients that day up there, so it was good that we were able. And I also just wanted to be with family during my vacation :) We ended up spending the night.
Tuesday, I spent the day with a dear Friend Mariela, and taught her children's home school classes while she got ready to go out of town for thanksgiving with her dear family. Later that evening was my Tello Town home meeting. Of which I was able to attend for the second time this semester. :D We had a enjoyable time. Had breakfast for dinner, sang love songs to the Lord, and also enjoyed a little reading material from the ministry. Later that night drove back to ATL
Wed. BORING ;) ATL BORING..... ;) JK... Chick-fil-a all the way!! Liz and I have a REALLY bad Chicky addiction. I love their "Chocolate Peppermint" Milkshakes, that are only here during the Christmas Holiday season :(...
Thursday, Thanksgiving, I ened up back in Athens with Lizzy and the Tello's, enjoying their family and all the AWESOMELY awesomeness of Yummy food! I also got to talk to my little sister Hannah (who is living in Romford, London, England), for over 2 hours :D! That was one of the MANY things that made my thanksgiving. My sister Naomi also called me :) I spent the wee hours of the morning in Target (with Lizzy and Kelsey, as their "body guard") for their opening of "Black Friday." and realized people will do anything they can to get what they want sometimes. Some people really are CRAZY!
Friday, I had a Thanksgiving dinner with my Bosses family, it was really enjoyable. Later in the evening Friday night the "International Thanksgiving Conference" broadcast started. So there were night and morning meetings broadcasted. I was lucky to have been able to make all of them. The conference was on "The Focus of the Lord's Recovery"

Here are the banners from this Conference:

The unique focus of the Lord's recovery is the testimony of the Triune God-The corporate expression of the Triune God, The testimony of Jesus.

... Romans 8 is the focus of the entire Bible and the center of the universe.

The focus of God's economy is the mingled spirit- the divine Spirit mingled with the human spirit- a spirit that is both the Spirit of the Lord and our spirit.

We need to live in the focus of the Lord's recovery as inoculators and ministers of the new covenant.

Message One
III.B.1. The highest definition of the church is that the church is the fullness of God, the corporate expression of God. v.19b
2. In Ephesians 3:16-17a and 19b Paul prayed that the Triune God in Christ would make His home in our hearts so that our inner being would be filled unto the overflowing of the Triune God for the corporate expression of the Triune God; this is what God wants to recover today.
3. As the corporate expression of the Triune God, the church-the Body of Christ -- is a four-in-one organic entity--the Father, the Son, the Spirit, and the Body mingled together as one--4:4-6

Message 2
II.B. The Crucial focus of Ephesians is the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity into the believers.
*Prayer for every morning:
II.B.3. In chapter 3 the apostle prays that God the Father would *grant us to be strengthened through God the Spirit into their inner man so that Christ, God the Son, may make His home in their hearts, that they may be filled unto all the fullness of God--vv.16-19
5.Chapter 5 exhorts the believers to praise the Lord, God the Son, with the songs of God the Spirit, and give thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, God the Son, to God the Father.--vv.19-20
6.Chapter 6 instructs us to fight the spiritual warfare by being empowered in the Lord, God the Son, putting on the whole armor of God the Father, and wielding the sword of the Spirit--vv.10-11, 17.
C. In our daily living we need to receive, experience, and enjoy the divine dispensing in a normal, gradual, and steady way--Rom. 8:11; 2 Cor. 13:14
2.b. Our destiny is to live a normal life in the divine dispensing; it is a blessing to be satisfied with ordanary days in the divine dispensing.

Message 4
II. All our spiritual experiences, such as our fellowship with the Lord, our prayer to Him and our living with Him, are in this mingled spirit.--John 4:24; 15:4-5; Rom. 1:9; 8:4, 16; Eph. 1:17; 2:22; 4:23; 6:18; Phil. 2:1
A.1. Through the Spirit of life the eternal, only wise God, according to the revelation of the mystery hidden through the ages, dispenses Himself in His processed and consummated Spirit into the believers to be their consummated salvation as their life and everything--16:25; 8:11; 5:10
3."The Spirit... with our spirit" (v.16) is the most crucial secret in Romans for God to execute His dynamic salvation and for the believers to participate in it.
4. We need to know these two spirits in the divine enlightenment so that by the Spirit of life mingled with our regenerated spirit, we may enter into the intrinsic significance of the dynamic salvation of God in Christ, which is the Triune God processed and consummated  to be our eternal inheritance for our enjoyment--vv. 2, 10, 16; 2 Cor. 13:14; Acts 26:18; Eph. 1:13-14
B.2. We must exercise the spirit of faith to believe and to speak the things that we have experienced of the Lord, especially His death and resurrection--4:13
3.It is by the mingled spirit as the spirit of faith that we the apostles lived a crucified life in resurrection for the carrying our of their ministry--3:8-9; 4:1, 10-12; 5:18
C.1. The Christian life is a life of abiding in the Lord as the true vine.--John 15:1, 4-5; 1 John 2:24, 27-28; cf.4:1
2. The mutual abiding in John 15:4-5 is the practice of being one spirit with the Lord.
D. Ultimately, the Bible requires only one thing of us --that we walk according to the mingled spirit--Rom 8:4
1. The key to experienceing and enjoying the processed and consummated Triune God through the divine dispensing is fround in the wonderful Spirit who is in our regneerated spirit and who has become one spirit with our spirit-- Phil.1:19; 1 Cor.15:45b: 6:17.
2.By living in the mingled spirit, we can experience Christ as everything to us--1:2, 9, 24, 30: 2:8, 10; 3:11; 5:7-8; 10:3-4; 11:3; 12:12; 15:20, 45B, 47
4.Whether or not we are under Satan's authority is not determined by the things we do but is determined by whether we are in the spirit or in the flesh; if we remain in teh mingled spirit, WE WILL BE KEPT FROM SATAN, and the evil one will have NO way to touch us--Gal 5:16-17; 1 John 5:4, 18-21.

Satan CAN NOT put his footsteps on the ground in the mingled spirit! My prayer to the Lord daliy is... "Oh Lord, cause us to turn to our mingled spirit, cause us to learn how to dwell constantly in the mingled spirit. Lord, we want to be those always found in our mingled spirit. Lord, we want to stay out of the enemies reach! Lord, cause us to be those who turn to our mingled spirit, moment by moment, day by day! Lord, we just LOVE you!"

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